Here I am at Yoga on the Steps sporting my postpartum bump.
Last week I shared how much I’ve enjoyed reading Dr. Dyer’s children’s books to my kids. I found the lessons to be so valuable.
One of my biggest postpartum struggles is losing the belly. It’s where I hold weight. While a belly bump with a baby inside can be super cute, somehow the postpartum bump is not.
My daughter is now almost nine months old, and I’m still holding onto the bump.
Recently I’ve become jealous of moms who slip back into their pre-baby body without effort. I would be annoyed to see a mom holding an infant while wearing a two-piece bathing suit while I was still wearing my pregnancy suit. Sad but true.
I’m frustrated. It’s getting bigger.
While reading Good-bye, Bumps!, I realized I’ve been giving the bump my power. I’ve allowed it to annoy me and therefore I’ve given it my power and my energy. The result – to my disappointment, the bump is growing not shrinking.
I decided to take Dr. Dyer’s advice of what to do when something is bugging you. Here are the steps he shares in Good-bye, Bumps!:
1. “Say hello to whatever is bothering me. Understand that it is a part of me whether I want it to be or not.
2. Let go of bad feelings about the thing I don’t like.
3. Don’t let something that bugs me have power over me (I give it power by making it important.)
4. Remind myself that I will feel better and happier if I don’t let my problems have power over me.
5. Change what I can – and if I can’t, then try to change the way I feel about it” (page 22.)
For the last week, I’ve been talking to my bump. Expressing gratitude for nourishing my baby. I told my bump, I’m not sure why you’re still here but I’d like you to go now. Either way, I’m done feeling bad about it.
What are you feeling bad about? Is there something you don’t like about your body or yourself that you’d like to change?
I know soon enough my bump will go. I hope that you’ll consider trying these steps to see if you can shift your perspective around something that’s been bugging you.
Much love,
Melanie Toner