I’d like to think that I have very few regrets. I’m often willing to take the risks, go big, and put it all on the line.
But what I have regretted often is my choice of words. I struggled with my direct, honest, no BS approach. In my youth I hurt a lot of people – not intentionally – I just didn’t know how to sensor my honesty. This would beat me up. I would lie awake at night worried about how my honesty hurt another or how I might apologize without making the situation worse.
Thankfully, as an adult I’ve mastered a balance of honesty and directness with gentle, loving kindness so that my thoughts are received warmly. My friends, family, clients and colleagues know I’m a reliable source to hear the truth or an honest opinion.
However when I do get myself into trouble or in a downward spiral of regret over something I said or did, I use these simple steps to forgive myself and move forward.
Okay, it’s your turn. I want to hear from you.
Do you have a regret that has you living in the past?
How did you let go and move forward?
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Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time.
Be well,
Melanie Toner