“…when you’re in a Slump,
you’re not in for much fun.
Un-slumping yourself
is not easily done.
…And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and ¾ percent guaranteed.)” Dr. Seuss
January has come and gone. For many, so have their New Year’s resolutions. Whether you set the goal to lose weight, work out, drink less alcohol, or spend more time doing what you enjoy most – it’s likely that you’ve given up.
If so, don’t worry – you can get back on track.
The first mistake you may have made when setting your resolution is that you didn’t focus on how you ultimately want to feel.
Grab a cup of tea and cozy up while you take the time to answer these questions:
- How do you want to feel?
- What is it that you desire most for yourself?
- What will achieving this goal do for you?
The second mistake you may have made is that you decided you couldn’t truly succeed. You talked yourself out of success. You made excuses. You didn’t put your needs and desires first. We all suffer from negative self-talk now and again. When these thoughts pop into your head – thank them and then say not today. Yes, it’s okay to talk to the voices in your head.
While you’re at it, answer these questions:
- What is keeping you from achieving your goal?
- What would you lose by meeting this goal? Yes, I said what would you lose? Do you feel that in order to gain something you will lose something else? I’m here to tell you that you can have both.
Once you have these answers you can begin to set a plan in motion that will move you closer to the way you want to feel. Create a system. Ask for support. And create a way to hold yourself accountable.
Your story may inspire someone else to get back on track. In the comments below, share with our community what you’ve decided to accomplish in 2014.
Wishing you much success,