Do you know the number one thing most women want more of?
It’s not money. It’s not success. It’s time.
We can all use a little more time. It’s often the excuse we tell ourselves to justify why we haven’t lost the weight, why we haven’t had success in business, or why we don’t make time for ourselves and our friends.
It’s an excuse I use too. I hate when I catch myself saying it. . . If I only had more time.
But here’s the reality, it’s not time that we desire more of. It’s the freedom to choose how we spend our time that we most desire.
I have a special gift for you. In the video below, I’ll tell you exactly how you can have more time, start spending it doing the activities that truly bring you joy, and how to slowly do fewer and fewer of the activities that drag you down and drain your energy.
Here’s how you can save time and create more freedom in your life…
- Stop wasting time watching TV, looking at your iPhone and scrolling through Facebook and Twitter.
- Say no to events and opportunities that you’re truly not interested.
- Create a filter question – Is this activity/commitment/responsibility going to get me close to my goal or desire? (establish one for both personal and professional use)
It’s your turn, I want to hear from you.
What do you do to save time?
What simple changes have you made in your life to buy back your time?
Now that you have this extra time, what do you plan to do with it?
Leave a comment below. This community needs your unique voice. Together we can begin to shift the expectations of the modern woman.
Much love,
Melanie Toner