This time last year I was deciding whether or not to invest in a high-level group year-long coaching program with a very successful coach that I admire. She has built her business to a level that she not only has 7-figure years but 7-figure launches, all while fulfilling her deep desire to make a difference in her clients’ lives and a greater impact in the world.
She is a delight and inspiration, and I can only imagine what it’s like to work with her one-on-one.
This past week over 150 women from all over the world graduated from that group program. Seeing the many members of her community post their celebratory pictures on social media made my heart sing, knowing that they all went for it. They are finishing 2014 very proud of all they accomplished.
I’m proud to know that more women will be out in the world doing great work and empowering more women to do great things.
But I also felt sad. I should have been there. That could have been me.
But it wasn’t.
Instead for 2014 I made a commitment not to invest in any more group programs or purchase more informational products. I didn’t need one more piece of information.
What I needed was personal attention. Someone a little further down the road who could support and guide me to stay on track and achieve the goals I’d set. Someone who could teach me shortcuts and ensure my success.
That’s why I invested in a mentor.
Because what I know to be true is that information is useless without action.
You need action. You need support. You need accountability.
And that’s just what I’ve done.
I can say that while I was sad to not be there with the women in that group coaching program, I know that I’m so much further along on my path because I chose to invest in receiving individual attention.
As the new year was approaching, I began to think about what I wanted to contribute in 2015. I knew I wanted to offer a mentorship program for women who desire deeply to create their own business, who want to have more freedom around their time and who desire to experience financial abundance.
I realized that was key to my success, and it could be the key to yours.
All that mother entrepreneurs truly need is someone who can support them to create a customized plan. They don’t need a cookie cutter plan because, let’s face it, motherhood adds a unique level of challenges when building a business.
That’s why for 2015 I’ve created the Mentorship where I’ll show you a realistic way to build a business that fits into your lifestyle, allows you to make great money while raising your family, and provides you the freedom and flexibility you crave.
Click here to learn more about the Mentorship and how to apply.
Once you’ve submitted your application, I’ll contact you in 48 hours to schedule your complimentary consultation.
Because of my style of coaching and my commitment to being available to support the growth of my mentees, space is limited to 5 women to begin in January of 2015.
Apply today to ensure you don’t miss out.
This program will sell out.
Let’s make 2015 your year!
Much love,