You may be familiar with the saying, “I fell in sh*t and came out smelling like roses.” I know it all too well. It has been the underlying theme of my life. When I was younger and my family would say it about me, I would be upset or offended, but now as an adult, I’m proud of it.
Yes, it is true that I often get myself in trouble, but somehow I always come out on top. Here’s the thing: when I’m in the bad place, it’s often impossible to see my way out. I can be dramatic and stressed and act as if my life is going to end. But I know and believe with every part of my being that it will all be fine, that there is abundance available to each and every one of us. That, my friend, is why I always come out smelling like roses.
You may be thinking, “If that’s true then why doesn’t that happen to me?” Here are three simple steps to come out smelling like roses…
- Listen for hidden opportunities. Too often we are not fully present – at work, at home, in our life – and we miss golden opportunities to change our situation. Stop multitasking and start being present; you’ll be amazed at what opens up in your life.
- Be willing to learn. You don’t know it all. As a matter of fact, you will never know it all. There is always something to learn and discover about who we are and how this thing called “life” works.
- Be open to something greater than what you can possibly imagine. This is my favorite step and one of the best parts about coaching. My clients have limiting beliefs about what is possible, and I have the pleasure of dreaming big for them, seeing them larger than they can see themselves and then holding the space for them to show up in a big way. It’s truly beautiful.
Whether you call this faith, god, divine or karma, it is real and one of the most enjoyable parts of being human.
Do you agree? Post your experience in the comments below.
And, as always, thank you for reading and contributing to this community.
Be well,