When I was about five years old, I took dance classes. I remember truly enjoying the ballet and tap lessons. Kick ball change, switch, kick ball change. What little girl doesn’t love to dress up and dance? I only took one year of classes but not by choice. My teacher politely told my mother at the end of the year that it would be best if she didn’t enroll me in class for the following year. According to the teacher, I spent too much time dancing in front of the mirror. I was not able to stand in place and follow the teacher’s directions.
Interestingly enough, when it came time for the end-of-year recital, I didn’t make any mistakes. This wasn’t the case for all the ballerinas. Just saying.
As an adult I’m at it again. I choose to stand out, to go against the norm, especially when it comes to my health and well-being. You see, it’s not easy making healthy choices. It’s difficult when your peers question you about the choices you make. While it is difficult, it’s worth it.
The most important action in ensuring success on your path to health and a vibrant well-being is YOU MUST STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU KNOW IS BEST FOR YOU.
I often support clients with this very challenge of going against the norm and standing their ground. You see, it doesn’t matter what anyone else does or thinks or knows. Only you can decide what is best for you, and you will be the one to live with the choices and actions you take.
Post a comment below to share – How do you choose to be different? What is unique about you? You only get one life and one body…how are you choosing to stand out?
You never know what someone else may be going through, and your experience, or even a simple affirming comment, can really make a difference.
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Be well,