I’m not sure if it’s because I spent most of my birthdays as a child wishing my friends weren’t on vacation so they could come to my party or that I had to share a birthday treat the last week of school with all the other kids who had summer birthdays, but as an adult I have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating my birthday. Adults will take any excuse to enjoy a summer evening out sipping cocktails as the sun sets.
To me, birthdays are about honoring this precious life, celebrating all that you’ve accomplished, and looking excitedly at the year ahead. It’s not about how old you are, but rather it’s about celebrating the start of a whole new year.
I believe Oprah said it best, “I’m starting to think that the best way to look at aging is to see it as an opportunity to leave what didn’t work behind and step boldly into a brand-new future.”
Whether your birthday has just passed or is months away – begin to look at each day as a new opportunity to step boldly into a brand-new future and a brand-new you.
Here are a few things I’m reflecting on as I celebrate my birthday today:
- What did I accomplish over the past year?
- Where do I hope to be one year from today?
- What do I need to change about myself to achieve these goals?
- What truly makes me happy and how can I spend more time each day doing what brings me joy?
- How can I express gratitude to those who supported me over the past year?
As always, I’d love to hear from you. Choose any one of the questions above and post a comment below about how you plan to step boldly into your future.
What I’m most proud of from this past year is the expediential growth my coaching practice has experienced. I truly believe it’s because this work is an authentic expression of how I live my life every day; therefore, it doesn’t feel like work. Watch this video to learn more about what I’m up to these days.
Much love,