Life is all about learning. I believe I’m here on earth at this time, having this human experience, because there is much to learn.
A lesson that I seem to revisit over and over and over again is my inability to detach from people’s reactions to my choices. The fear of disappointing those I love most has resulted in disappointing the most important person of all…me.
Yes, that right. I was suffering to prevent others from suffering.
It’s a terrible way to live.
Every so often, when I’m not looking, it creeps up on me and says, “Boo!”
And when I look at my reflection, I realize that I have over committed myself to please others. I’ve compromised something I value, and I’ve allowed another to take the joy.
The good news is, it’s easy to get back on track. I simply forgive myself, express gratitude for the lesson, and gently remember to take care of my needs.
It’s your turn. I want to hear from you.
Do you ever suffer in order to please others?
Have you put your needs last on the list?
How do you get back on track?
Join the conversation by posting a comment below.
Much love,