Recently while chatting with a friend, she shared how stressed, confused and overwhelmed she was about an upcoming talk and her son’s first birthday party. Paired with lack of sleep, it’s no wonder she was feeling beaten.
She asked me, “How do you keep moving forward?”
She shared that sometimes she just wished she didn’t want it (to build a business) so badly. At times she wished she would be okay with the status quo – just like everyone else.
I started to think more about it after hanging up.
What does pull me forward?
How do I keep going?
What drives me when I’m down?
Last year I started a Facebook group, No Matter What: Create a Business and Lifestyle You Love. This is a space for women who crave support in creating a business that allows them to do the work they love and to design a lifestyle with freedom and flexibility.
No. Matter. What. It’s truly my attitude.
No. Matter. What. I’m going to be successful.
No matter how long it takes.
No matter how hard it gets.
No matter how many people put me down or don’t believe in me.
No matter how paralyzed with fear I become.
I’m going to keep moving forward because there is a woman out there who needs my voice. My work matters to her. I matter. Because she matters.
You could be someone’s Oprah! You read that right. Let’s say it again… You. Are. Someone’s. Oprah.
And because of that, you must keep showing up.
You must put yourself out there.
You must get in the game.
You must be willing to play.
She needs you. Your voice matters. Your work matters.
Whether you coach, create art, or offer a service, what you do matters and that is why you must keep going.
So, next time you want to quit (which by the way is the only way you will fail) look in the mirror and tell yourself these 3 things:
- You matter.
- She needs your work.
- If you don’t, who will?
Then get back to your desk or your work space and keep moving forward.
Stay the course. You’ll get there.
Much love,
P.S. If you’re a woman who is ready to do the work, spend the time answering the tough questions and truly looking at your life, your habits and patterns and stepping forward with confidence, intention and boldly claiming your next level of success, let’s talk about if my coaching is right for you. Click here to submit your application today!