It has become apparent to me that one of my biggest struggles but also opportunities for growth is my relationship with money.
I struggle with my financial choices. I’m a dreamer and a believer. I have always felt there is a way, things will work out, and I trusted that one day I will be wealthy.
The issue with that mindset is that one day never comes. Can you relate? One day is always off in the future. And with that mindset, I stay in a state of struggle. Of ups and downs. Of wins and losses.
And even when money comes into my life, I end up using it for someone else – buying something for the kids or putting it towards a trip or something for the house. And the result – I don’t build wealth. I’m done with this story. We’re breaking up. I’m moving on.
So the question I often ask myself is… what is it that I truly believe about money?
What I noticed in my first year of business was that I couldn’t understand how someone would pay me “that much” for my coaching services. At the time I was new, not as experienced as other coaches. I still had a lot to learn, but women wanted to work with me. They invested in themselves by investing in coaching.
Here was the issue – this was my money story. And the reality is we don’t want to take on other people’s money stories as our own nor do we want to project our money story on our clients.
If you struggle with asking clients for money, try this one little trick the next time you need to share your rates. Internally say to yourself, “I don’t get to decide if this is too much for them to spend – it’s their money, their choice, their story.”
When we do the work upfront, truly understanding the needs of our clients and the service or product we offer to solve that problem, then the sales conversation should be painless. Clients should be saying yes before they even know the cost.
I’d love to hear from you. What is your biggest struggle with money? What’s your biggest fear when it comes to asking for money?
Post a comment or a question. I’ll personally take the time to reply.
Cheers to growing your wealth,