No doubt moms are busy. Whether your children are young or adolescent – they require time and attention. What I’ve observed is that every woman is doing her best. And many women struggle with the guilt about how well they do it and how much time and energy they devote.
Last Tuesday, I had the great privilege of speaking at a local women’s group, Bizzy Mamas. All the women in this group are mothers and business owners. The group was created by two “bizzy mamas,” Tina and Stephanie, when they realized they wanted to network with other mothers who were also business owners. The room was filled with successful, driven and passionate women, all striving to provide valuable work that has a positive impact on their families and communities.
I thought this group of women would appreciate guidance about self-care, how to set healthy boundaries and worthiness. The reality is to be able to take even better care of your clients and your family – you MUST be able and willing to take better care of you.
In her latest book Thrive, Arianna Huffington shares her personal wake-up call, which came as a result of her falling in her bathroom from lack of sleep and exhaustion. She broke her cheekbone and cut a nasty gash over her eye. She admits to working around the clock to successfully build The Huffington Post, but at a cost. Arianna is working to change how our culture defines success.
We all push ourselves to our limits. We fill our mind with excuses of why we can’t take a break now or how we’ll take the vacation or the spa treatment when “x” happens. The trouble is that there will always be something else on the to-do list. There will always be another level of success to achieve. There will always be another goal on the horizon. It’s what makes life exciting. But we can do things differently and still experience the thrill and success.
We can rewrite the expectations and still succeed.
I encourage you, as I did the women last week, to begin to shift how you live. It is my personal mission to create a world where it is not only acceptable but it is the norm for women to have it all and thrive – emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally.
Gone are the times when we need to drive ourselves into the ground to succeed.
Gone are the days when having it all means having to do it all.
Gone are the days when we stop taking care of our personal needs to achieve success and keep up with the men.
I’d like to extend to you the same offer I shared with the Bizzy Mamas. Life can be exhausting. When you’re in the thick of it, it can be difficult to see the way out or a better solution to achieve the same results. I’m offering you (and any women in your life who you know would benefit) a 20-Minute Desire Session. Let’s get on the phone and work together to help you create a clear vision of what you truly desire for yourself.
It’s your turn. In what ways are you pushing yourself too hard? How do you feel overwhelm?
Post a comment below. This community needs your voice and your support.
Much love,