As we become more and more connected through email, social media and smart phones, we seem to feel more alone. According to, eighty percent of people have symptoms of clinical depression. Overall, women have higher rates of depression than men. Not only are women twice as likely to have depression, 1 in 10 women experience these symptoms in the weeks after having a baby.
This is powerful. Because we know that a woman’s mood, energy and happiness affects the whole family.
So what’s the solution?
In my opinion it is community and connection. We need to feel connected. We need to feel heard. We need to feel a sense of belonging. When we belong, we feel safe. And that safety usually breeds happiness and joy.
So how can we create community?
Taking the opportunity to share your experience and to learn from others is the fastest and most effective way I’ve found to create community.
Can you remember a time when you felt very alone? Like you were the only one who was struggling with your particular pain? A time when you finally heard someone share her story and you felt calmness melt over your body like the safety of a warm blanket? In that moment you likely felt normal because you realized you aren’t alone. You’re not the only one with this struggle. You were finally able to relax, even if for only a moment.
What if you could provide that exact experience for another woman who is struggling? Would you?
I would. And I have.
I have not only made it a priority to create community for myself to have support in raising my family and growing my business while maintaining my sanity but also to take a stand for vulnerability. I willingness to ask for what I need, share how I feel and who I truly am.
Earlier this week I had the great privilege of being interview by Dr. Portia Jackson of Listen to the podcast to learn a little more about my journey through motherhood and career. I hope that it might inspire you to create a life you truly love.
Click here to listen to the podcast. Share it with the women in your community.
Dr. Jackson is building a powerful resource for working mothers to find inspiration to have more fun and success in their lives. I hope you’ll consider checking out her podcasts. There are already over 140 available for download.
May you find inspiration and a willingness to share your story.
Much love,
Melanie Toner