If only I had more time…
If only I knew the right people…
If only I had more money…
If only I could leave my job…
If only I weren’t so hard on myself…
If only I wasn’t so obsessed with being perfect…
If only I knew more about technology…
If only I could outsource more of my work…
If only I had someone to help me…
If only…
The list could go on and on of the reasons – or as Napoleon Hill in Think & Grow Rich refers to the “Fifty-five Famous Alibis by Old Man IF” – you haven’t experienced the results you had hoped for in the past year.
Here’s the thing…all of these reasons are just not true. If you’re willing to see things differently and put effort towards changing your thoughts, especially the thoughts that justify your lack of success or inability to produce results, you’ll quickly regain control of your destiny.
It’s a matter of fact that your thoughts create things and those things create your reality. The life you’re experiencing today was created by your thoughts and your thoughts alone.
The only downside to this is that you can only place blame on yourself for that reality, but the beauty is that you and you alone can create a new reality rather quickly.
Here are 4 ways to gain mastery of your thoughts and create your new reality…
- Be aware. Begin to listen to the thoughts you’re having, the words you speak (both internally and aloud), listen to how you talk to yourself, and most importantly notice the alibis that you use daily.
- Drop the judgement and get curious instead. Rather than being hard on yourself for your current thoughts, get curious. Why do you have these thoughts? How do they serve you (look at the positive effect of keeping your old habit or pattern)?
- Get clear on what you would like to be different. What about your life, your work, your relationships, your resources, your spirituality would you like to experience differently? Be as detailed and clear as possible.
- Catch yourself and change your words. When you catch yourself speaking or thinking in a way that doesn’t serve you, simply change your words, say thank you to the thought and then change the thought to serve your highest good.
Commit to giving this a try for a little while and watch your life change before your eyes.
If you want to learn more about mastering your mindset, check out the FREE resources tab.
Much love,