Many little girls dream of being on the pages of fashion and glamour magazines. I was no different. I truly believed it was possible. In my youth I was skinny without effort. I had long legs. I was a shoo-in for sure.
(Thanks, Mom for taking me to Bloomingdales for the open call even though I’m sure you knew I didn’t have a chance.)
But I wasn’t tall enough. That was until Kate Moss hit the scene. She is only 5’7’’, just one inch taller than me. My hope was renewed.
I’m not sure if it was the photo shoots, the beautiful clothes, the travel or the glamour but I really wanted to be a model.
As I moved into my 20s, I realized the dream was dead. It wasn’t going to happen.
But what I didn’t realize was I didn’t need to be a model. I didn’t need to be 6 feet tall. I could create my own experience.
And that’s just what I did. In July of 2012, I flew to LA for my first professional photo shoot. It was truly amazing. And it was all possible because of my coaching business. Since then, I’ve had a photo shoot annually and this year I plan to have 3 shoots.
My point is – don’t give up on your dreams. If you feel lost or unhappy or as if you’re meant for something greater, consider reconnecting with your deepest desires. Then work every day to get one step closer to them.
What is it that you desire? Here are 4 steps to give your dreams a chance.
Share your desires with everyone you know – family, friends, your spouse. The more people you tell about what you’re creating, what you desire, and how big you want to become, the more likely you are to achieve success (however you define it.)
Daydream daily. Spend time each morning or night to write in a journal what you truly desire for yourself, what you’re working towards and how you want to feel, live and be.
Express gratitude. The fastest way to invite more abundance into your life is to appreciate all that you already have. If you’re reading this email, I can assure you, you have plenty to be grateful for.
Take a trip down memory lane. What did you love to do as a child? What did you dream about doing when you grew up? It’s all still possible. It just might look different than you thought. Be open to what shows up.
With these simple steps you’ll quickly be on your way to creating more joy and peace in your life.
Okay, it’s your turn now. I want to hear from you.
What are you looking to create in 2015? What have you been dreaming about but are too scared to take action toward?
Post a comment below and share with our community. Allow your voice to inspire another to take action today.
Much love,
P.S. If you’ve had the desire to start your own business but have been stuck in the details of what to do next, I’d love to support you. Click here to learn more about The Mentorship: