Some entrepreneurs are born ready to start their business. They know very young what they want to create. How they want to contribute.
And then there’s the rest of us. Those who have the drive and passion to bring something to life but get lost along the way.
I started my first business selling candy out of my backpack in middle school. It turned a nice profit that allowed me to buy toys, clothes and other things I HAD TO HAVE.
As life went on, I followed the track that most of us get sucked into. I went to college, found a job and began my adult life. I spent my 20’s searching for a man to marry and have children with. It’s seemed like the right thing to do.
Quickly, I realized this professional track was unfulfilling. I struggled to find work that allowed me to express myself. I would end most days not feeling that I had an impact. And once the kids came along, my desire for change went to a whole new level. My time became more valuable and precious. I didn’t want to waste it. Something had to change.
I made the choice to start my own business. But even with a business degree, I really didn’t know how to succeed in today’s market. Five years later and a lot of trial and error, training, coaching, successes and failures – I can share that I’m most successful in business when I’m working with a mentor.
Over the last few months, I’ve been thinking about how I want to move my business forward in 2015. And what I’d Iike to contribute. I realized what I value most is supporting women to create financially successful businesses allowing freedom – both in their work and with their time so they can have a business and life they love. To celebrate this new direction I’m hosting a free training: 5 Steps to Create an Online Business Specifically Designed for Busy Moms with Little Time.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern
If it’s for you, I’d love for you to join me. Click here to save your spot.
It’s your turn now, I want to hear from you.
What are you most looking forward to in 2015?
What are you struggling with the most and why are you ready to move past it?
Whether you’ve been in business for years and are looking to take it to the next level or you’re just starting out, please hop on over to and share with our community what you’re working to create in 2015.
Don’t forget to save your spot for my free training === >
Much love,