I can remember the first time I went to my husband about making my first large investment in myself. It was a $9,000 program in NYC that required travel from Philly for 8 weekends. In total it would cost $12,000.
At the time I wasn’t sure why I was drawn to the program, but I knew with every cell of my being that I had to go.
I can remember how disappointed I was when he told me the timing wasn’t good. “You can go next year.”
But next year came and he still said no.
I started wonder why I had to wait. And furthermore, why he didn’t want me to go.
Can you relate? Is there a big investment you’d like to make but you don’t have your husband’s support?
Do you desire to start your own business but lack the start-up funds?
Do you want to continue your education through a non-traditional training program?
Do you desire the support of a business or life coach?
Sadly, I hear it far too often that women “can’t” do a program because their husband isn’t on board.
Not only did I go to NYC, but I graduated from the program with a new outlook on life and decided to start my own business. Since then I have invested in a few more programs and mentors.
I want to share the secret to getting what you want and gaining your husband’s support.
I’m hosting a special preview call on Thursday, January 29 at 8pm ET – The Secret Formula To Gain Your Man’s Support:
In this preview call, we’ll cover…
Why you need to move your man to the top of the list (only second to yourself)
How to approach the conversations from a place of empowerment
Why you need to have a clear, well-thought plan
The juicy secret to making your man happy and getting his support no matter what you desire
I’ve made many mistakes in my conversations with my man, but over the past 6 years I’ve had a lot of practice. And I’ve mastered the secret formula in order to gain his support.
If you’re done waiting for permission and you’re ready to start making your own decisions while gaining his support and a whole new level of respect, then be sure to join me for this preview call.
And if you can’t make it live, be sure to register, as I’ll be sharing the recording with only those who register.
Trust me when I say, it’s much more enjoyable to have his support and to be open than it is to hideout and feel like you’re sneaking around and having an affair with you business.
Save your spot today. https://melanietoner.leadpages.net/gain-your-mans-support-call/
Much love,
Melanie Toner