My intention each day is to focus on love and abundance. To not allow fear to rule my mind or keep my heart from experiencing joy. I trust in the divine. I am love. It’s that simple. Each day I start with I am love. And in every stressful, fear-filled moment I repeat I am love. When the kids have pushed me to my limit, I repeat I am love. When I feel unsupported by my husband, I repeat I am love. When I make a mistake, I repeat I am love. Before I make an important phone call, I repeat I am love. Before I work, I repeat I am love. Before I write, I repeat I am love. These three simple words are my saving grace. My connection to God. My reminder that I am a spiritual soul having a human experience. These words keep me grounded and in my … [Read more...]
I’m overdue for a cleanse
I feel… Heavy. Stressed. Bloated. Achy. Out of sorts. One year later, I’m still carrying the baby weight, and I’m continuing to make poor food choices out of convenience. The result – I feel like crap. And quite honestly, I look like crap. I knew I needed to cleanse but wanted to wait until I started to wean my daughter. If you’ve been a part of my community for a while, you know that I have hosted week long, 21-day, and 30-day wholefood cleanses. I’ve catered them to individuals looking to lose weight, detox and hit the reset button. My past cleanses required shopping, prepping and preparing your own food. And still I truly feel that’s the best way. However, I often hear from clients and friends that they just don’t have the interest in all … [Read more...]
Flashback Friday: The book that changed my life
Flashback Friday: Two years ago I sent the following letter to my email list. I'm posting it again today as a reminder of how far I've come. How much I've learned and honoring the moment that truly changed my life. Enjoy. It was in January of 2008 when I stood at the front of Borders while a colleague purchased a magazine. I looked down and on the table was Skinny Bitch. The book had just been featured on the Oprah show. If Oprah was talking about it, I thought I should check it out. As I read the back cover and then a couple pages, I was drawn to take the book home with me. Over the next two days, I read the book with every free moment I had. It blew my mind. While I would have called myself a foodie, I realized I had no clue what I was putting in body. It … [Read more...]
[Interview] Do you ever feel alone?
As we become more and more connected through email, social media and smart phones, we seem to feel more alone. According to, eighty percent of people have symptoms of clinical depression. Overall, women have higher rates of depression than men. Not only are women twice as likely to have depression, 1 in 10 women experience these symptoms in the weeks after having a baby. This is powerful. Because we know that a woman’s mood, energy and happiness affects the whole family. So what’s the solution? In my opinion it is community and connection. We need to feel connected. We need to feel heard. We need to feel a sense of belonging. When we belong, we feel safe. And that safety usually breeds happiness and joy. So how can we create … [Read more...]
[VIDEO] Do you say yes when you really mean no?
Do you say yes when you really mean no? Wow, oh wow, I’ve been there far too many times. I wonder how many times I will have to learn this lesson in my lifetime. I give and give and give until there is nothing left. The result – stress, back pain, acne, headaches, moodiness and just a plain crappy feeling. It’s often because I want the approval of those around me. I desire for my peers to admire my ability to do it all. I seek recognition from teachers, my parents, and my family. My method for doing this was all wrong. For years I just said yes to anyone and anything that was asked of me all while grumbling in my head that I didn’t want to do it. A part of me wanted to please all and another part of me was struggling to find happiness with others’ expectations of … [Read more...]
What to do when your child has you up all night?
Our children are not concerned about how we need to spend our time during the day. They don’t understand that we have important meetings or clients to attend to or marketing copy to write. Nighttime is no different. At night when they want our attention, they get it. Mom! I need to go potty. Mom! I want water. Mom! I had a bad dream. Or the lovely surprise of a tiny person crawling into your bed uninvited (Surprisingly, this doesn’t startle me as much as I thought it would). All these moments interrupt our much needed sleep. No sleep = foggy brain. So, what’s a mom to do to survive foggy brain when clients are calling and business must go on? As a mother to two kiddos who don’t sleep well, I have mastered functioning on little sleep. Here are my top tips for … [Read more...]
What’s your normal?
There seems to be a misunderstanding about the difference between what’s common and what’s normal. I noticed this when I was pregnant the first time. The midwives would say in reply to most of my questions about the strange things that were happening to my body, “Oh, that’s normal.” Really? I became curious about what’s normal and what’s common. And how to know the difference? So by definition normal is conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected, and common is occurring, found, or done often; prevalent. I decided that what was common for most did not need to be my normal. It may be common for mothers to struggle with guilt, time management and self-worth, but it doesn’t have to be normal. Here’s the thing, you get to choose what’s normal for you. … [Read more...]
Would you go for it?
With the permission of my client, I’m going to share an experience I had last week in hopes that it will inspire you to open your heart to the possibility that you can live your desired life today…not when the kids are older or the house is paid off or your husband is promoted or the timing is right. Anything is possible at any time with the right approach and support. Last week I had a session with a client who is struggling to find joy in her work. She feels underpaid and undervalued by her boss. But at the same time feels the need to remain committed to the job because of the flexibility it provides her. This flexibility has become the most valuable benefit due to her ill spouse who is in need of support, causing her to leave work early, arrive late or even call out on … [Read more...]
[VIDEO] Are you ready for a shift?
Which would you say is true? Other people in your life are keeping you from your dreams or you are 100% responsible for your reality? At first glance you might think both are true. However, only the latter is true. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but once you make this shift you’ll quickly and easily see miracles in your life. Check out the short video to learn how to receive more abundance. Own it. Whether you are happy or miserable is completely up to you. You are responsible for all areas of your life. Decide what you’re really unhappy with – work, relationships, health. Then change it. And most importantly – show up fully for yourself. We only have one precious life. How are you going to live? It’s your turn, I want to hear from you. Have you ever lost … [Read more...]
Celebrating my life: 34 random thoughts from a 34 year old
I recently saw a post by Rachel Ski (I don’t know her full last name) of She celebrated her birthday earlier this month and decided to reflect on 27 things she learned by her 27th birthday. As I celebrate my life today, I thought I’d share 34 random thoughts… 1. I wish I lived by water where I could watch whales all day long. 2. I’m far more spiritual than I ever gave myself credit for. 3. I love rollercoasters. 4. The universe has my back. I’m blessed – even in my darkest moments the universe held me gently in its arms and sent me exactly what my heart desired. 5. I’m most successful at accomplishing my goals when I have support and accountability. 6. My hair has changed A LOT since having children. 7. Connection with humans is like oxygen, we will die without … [Read more...]