Consider for a moment what you desire most in your life or for your business. Really sit with the curiosity of how you would like to change your current experience.
Would you like to experience less stress?
Do you desire freedom from your destructive thoughts?
Would you explore different work?
Do you desire more abundance, more peace, more joy, more love?
Would you like to deepen your relationships?
Do you desire to be present and focused?
Here’s what I know for sure… it’s simply a matter of choice. Just along side of our suffering, pain, and struggle sits the options of ease, joy, peace, love, and gratitude.
While it’s simply a matter of choice, I’ve experienced firsthand, that it’s not always easy.
We are attached to our thinking.
We are attached to our fears.
We are attached to our suffering.
We are attached to the outcome.
We are attached to our expectations.
We are attached to control.
We are attached to the judgments we have towards ourselves.
Even though these attachments are painful and not what we desire, it’s comfortable. It’s predictable. It’s relatable. We believe it ensures we’ll fit in and be accepted.
What if you could explore the very part of you that has kept you stuck and discover how to move forward?
What if you could get curious about your self-animosity and begin to love and trust yourself fully?
What if you could break free from harsh judgments you have towards yourself and embrace who you are and celebrate the journey that brought you here?
What if you could master the art of receiving to allow abundance to flow into your life?
And what if this could create a space in your life and your work to invite all that you desire?
Today set an intention for yourself, make a commitment to self-mastery and to exploring the very depth of your being, your patterns, your habits, and your mind so that you might experience the freedom you long for.
Go be amazing!