Have you ever lost weight, been only pounds away from your goal, and then fallen off track?
Did you train months for a race only to get injured the week of the event?
Did you want a promotion at work but uncharacteristically missed an important deadline just before the promotion was to be announced?
Some may call this self-sabotage, but I think differently and so do some neuroscientists.
David Eagleman and Raymond Tallis said, “A person is not a single entity of a single mind: a human is built of several parts, all of which compete to steer the ship of state.”
If this is true, then you may ask, “How do I control all the parts of my mind, so I can achieve my dreams?”
Well, I believe it’s rather simple. You just need to discover what the subconscious mind wants for you and how all parts of your mind can work together to achieve the common goal of success. You see, it’s likely that both your conscious and subconscious brain want the same thing for you. They just have different methods to achieve the outcome.
The subconscious brain simply wants you to be safe, to be loved and to belong. If a person can show the subconscious brain that the new goal will still provide safety, love and belonging, then you’ll likely receive a green light from all parts.
Here are 3 steps to avoid self–sabotage:
Step 1: Gain clarity on what you truly desire. You may ask yourself: What do I want or desire? Describe what having this outcome will do for you.
Step 2: Discover if any part of you has an objection to the desired outcome. This will require you to slow down and take time to quiet all your mind. And ask what each part of you really wants for you. (Think of when you hear people say, “Well, a part of me wants … and another part of me wants…”)
Step 3: Collaborate to discover a solution.
I recently helped a client discover that she was holding on to extra weight because a part of her didn’t want to be too sexy and draw the attention of men. She didn’t feel it was safe to stand out in that way. Her desire to lose weight was in conflict with being safe. Therefore, she needed to ensure the subconscious mind that it would be safe if she reached her goal weight.
Now, it’s your turn. Do you feel that something is holding you back from achieving your goals but you can’t figure out what? Leave a comment below to share what you truly desire for your life today and what’s the one thing that might be blocking you.
As always, thank you for contributing. Your story could be the very thing that helps another reader.
Be well,