As a child I hated 5-minute jobs. My father was notorious for saying that everything was a 5-minute job. If my sisters and I complained about doing the dishes or taking out the trash or putting our clothes away, my father would always respond with, “Hey, kid, it’s only a 5-minute job.” And overtime it became a joke, but what I realize is you really can get a lot done in 5 minutes if you’re focused.
This paradigm of “It’s a 5-minute job” has followed me into my adult life. When I’m exhausted but a long to-do list is still haunting me, I often hear my father’s voice, “Hey, kid, it’s only a 5-minute job,” and suddenly the list becomes manageable. Working through those last few 5-minute jobs sets me up for a much better night’s sleep and day ahead.
Even more importantly, I use this paradigm when considering whether to take time for myself or not. I start my day with 5 minutes of prayer and meditation. It may not seem like a lot, but it has a powerful impact on my day. My mind is clear, my negative self-chatter is quieted, and my day flows with ease. On days that I allow my mind to talk me out of these precious 5 minutes of “me time,” things tend to get a little wonky. I don’t think clearly, my day seems overwhelming, I’m short tempered and moody and I usually stop for coffee or a sugary treat around 2pm, which only makes matters worse when I crash at 5pm just as my son and husband need my attention.
I want you to think about how powerful 5 minutes of “me time” could be for you. I want you to take 5 minutes to daydream about what you would do with 5 minutes of uninterrupted “me time.”
Okay, I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below to share…
Do you already take 5 minutes a day to take care of your needs?
What can you accomplish in 5 minutes?
What do you notice if you don’t take that precious time for yourself?
Who in your life could really benefit from the idea of 5 minutes of “me time” a day?
Remember, your contribution is truly valued and has an impact on our community.
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Be well,